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Frontier insurance Ukrainian vehicles in Germany

Transitional regulation expires!

What does this mean for your insurance coverage?

The voluntary initiative of insurers for liability insurance of Ukrainian vehicles in Germany which was started after the beginning of the war at the end of February expired at the end of May 2022. Since 01.06.2022 you have to provide proof of insurance cover with the Green Card or a frontier insurance policy if you have come to Germany from Ukraine with your vehicle.

Insurance for Ukrainian vehicles in Germany (frontier insurance)

Since 01.06.2022 at the latest you need motor third party liability insurance if you have come to Germany with your own vehicle. By taking out motor third party liability insurance you are protected against claims for damages if you cause damage to others with your vehicle.

There is no need for you to take action if you already have the following documents:

  • a valid Green Card (International Insurance Card) from your Ukrainian insurer for your vehicle
  • or have already taken out a frontier insurance policy that is valid in Germany in terms of time and place

If you cannot provide evidence of existing motor liability insurance coverage you have the following options:

Request green card from your Ukrainian motor insurer

If you have the opportunity to contact your Ukrainian motor vehicle insurer please contact them and request a current Green Card (International Motor Insurance Card) for your vehicle. Within the scope of the Green Card you have insurance coverage (motor third party liability insurance) in Germany as well as for the countries whose country codes are not crossed out on the front of the Green Card. 

Conclusion of a frontier insurance

If you have neither a green card from your Ukrainian insurance company nor a valid frontier insurance policy you will have to take out frontier insurance from 01.06.2022.

In cooperation with our partner TourInsure you can get insurance coverage from now on. Please contact TourInsure by phone 040 25 17 21 50 oder per E-Mail: service@tourinsure.de.

All important details on insurance coverage at a glance:

  • Motor third party liability insurance (up to a maximum amount of 100 million Euro for property damage, personal injury and financial loss per claim (up to 15 million Euro per injured person)
  • Insurance coverage exists within the geographical borders of Europe and in the non-European areas of the EU
  • Minimum term of the border insurance is 3 months and is valid for a maximum of one year
  • The amount of contribution for each 3 months is 90,00 Euro gross
  • In case of a claim you can reach us by phone 0800 / 292 03 33 or by email schaden@axa.de

Requirements for the conclusion of a frontier insurance:

  • You have a valid email address or an address in Germany (for example accommodation, apartment or similar)
  • Your vehicle has a Ukrainian license plate
  • Your vehicle is used exclusively for private purpose